Indonesia-China Economic Relationship: How to Mitigate the Potential Downturn?

China is expected to experience an economic slowdown in the years to come, stemming from several factors including but not limited to high debt burden, property crisis, intensifying government control, and aging population. Given the entanglement to the Chinese economy in terms of international trade and investment, Indonesia must pursue new growth avenues in the […]

Economic Impact of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR)

It is undeniable that SMEs play a crucial role in the Indonesian economy. The presence of microcredit/microfinancing, such as KUR, which can reach small and medium-sized communities in Indonesia, provides a solution for SMEs to solve financing problems for their businesses. The economic impact of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) program is minimal at the […]

Technical Trend Analyses of Indonesia Stock Exchange Index

The stock exchange index is one of the primary barometers for the economic health of a country. The index encapsulates the performances of a wide spectrum of economic sectors, and it vividly reflects the country’s economic condition. In this paper, we apply several commonly used approaches to conduct technical trend analyses of the IDX and […]

Indonesia’s Yield Curve In 2024: Machine Learning & Dynamic Nelson Siegel (DNS) Model

The term structure of the Yield Curve is one of the most essential tools in financial economics. All agents, both government and private firms, set them as a benchmark for implementing their policy and business decision, respectively. The yield curve can be one of the reasons for prosperous firms/countries or their declines (as evident in […]

Reviving Takaful: Reflections on the Islamic New Year

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1] and Nada Serpina [2] As the Islamic New Year approaches, it is an opportune time to reflect on the principles of hijrah (migration) and their application in the realm of economics, particularly within the context of the growing Shariah economy.  In Islamic teachings, hijrah is divided into two aspects. The […]

Addressing Challenges in Indonesia’s Pension Funds

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman[1] and Mohammad Alvin Prabowosunu[2]   Financial sector is seen as an important catalyst to spur economic development through capital accumulation and technological progress by increasing the savings rate, mobilizing and pooling savings, as well as optimizing the allocation of capital. In a developing country like Indonesia, while the pace of development should […]

ASEAN must nurture growth at epicenter

Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], Tarisha Yuliana [2] As ASEAN commemorates its 56th anniversary this year, Indonesia as the chair is highlighting the theme of “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth”. This theme encapsulates both promise and challenge. ASEAN nations grapple with disparities in total factor productivity (TFP), a key economic indicator that measures the ratio of […]

Addressing challenges in Indonesia’s pension funds

Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], M. Alvin Prabowosunu  [2] The financial sector is an important catalyst to spur economic development through capital accumulation and technological progress. It does this by increasing the savings rate and mobilizing and pooling savings, as well as optimizing the allocation of capital. In a developing country like Indonesia, while the […]