

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman[1] and Nada Serpina[2]   As we approach the end of 2023, the Indonesian government has presented a noteworthy …

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1] and Nada Serpina [2] As the Islamic New Year approaches, it is an opportune time to reflect …

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman[1] and Mohammad Alvin Prabowosunu[2]   Financial sector is seen as an important catalyst to spur economic development through capital …

Authors: [1] Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman, [2] Afif Luviyanto   The rapid advancement of digital transformation has spurred the adoption of technology across …

Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1] , Rosi Melati [2] The Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) has recently released a report on the …

Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], Tarisha Yuliana [2] As ASEAN commemorates its 56th anniversary this year, Indonesia as the chair is highlighting the …