Digital Transformation: Safeguarding the Future through Risk Mitigation
Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman[1] and Nada Serpina[2] As we approach the end of 2023, the Indonesian government has presented a noteworthy gift – a comprehensive roadmap for the digital economy strategy. This marks a historic moment as it unveils the Vision of Digital Indonesia 2045 (VID2045) on December 14, 2023. Collaborating with the Ministry […]
Reviving Takaful: Reflections on the Islamic New Year
Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1] and Nada Serpina [2] As the Islamic New Year approaches, it is an opportune time to reflect on the principles of hijrah (migration) and their application in the realm of economics, particularly within the context of the growing Shariah economy. In Islamic teachings, hijrah is divided into two aspects. The […]
Addressing Challenges in Indonesia’s Pension Funds
Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman[1] and Mohammad Alvin Prabowosunu[2] Financial sector is seen as an important catalyst to spur economic development through capital accumulation and technological progress by increasing the savings rate, mobilizing and pooling savings, as well as optimizing the allocation of capital. In a developing country like Indonesia, while the pace of development should […]
Has the insurance industry anticipated possible drawbacks of digital currencies?
Authors: [1] Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman, [2] Afif Luviyanto The rapid advancement of digital transformation has spurred the adoption of technology across various sectors, including the use of crypto assets and other digital currencies that might replicate traditional fiat money soon. This has led central banks worldwide, including Indonesia, to introduce Central Bank Digital Currency […]
Can an Insurance Guarantee Scheme Illuminate the Future of the Industry?
Authors: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1] , Rosi Melati [2] The Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) has recently released a report on the financial sector’s performance in the first half of 2023. While some areas experienced modest growth, the banking sector continues to exhibit promise. Bank credit saw a year-on-year increase of 7.76%, slightly lower than […]
ASEAN must nurture growth at epicenter
Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], Tarisha Yuliana [2] As ASEAN commemorates its 56th anniversary this year, Indonesia as the chair is highlighting the theme of “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth”. This theme encapsulates both promise and challenge. ASEAN nations grapple with disparities in total factor productivity (TFP), a key economic indicator that measures the ratio of […]
Addressing challenges in Indonesia’s pension funds
Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], M. Alvin Prabowosunu [2] The financial sector is an important catalyst to spur economic development through capital accumulation and technological progress. It does this by increasing the savings rate and mobilizing and pooling savings, as well as optimizing the allocation of capital. In a developing country like Indonesia, while the […]
Disrupsi Rantai Suplai Global, Proposal Solusi dan Peran Presidensi G20 Indonesia
Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], Rizky Rizaldi Ronaldo [2] Kuartal pertama tahun 2022 (Q12022) ini dapat dikatakan sebagai tahun terbaik bagi perusahaan shipping line, termasuk shipping line domestik. Bagaimana tidak, perusahaan-perusahaan shipping line berhasil mencatatkan performa yang sangat baik dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sebagai contoh, perusahaan shipping line domestik seperti PT. Samudera Indonesia Tbk (SMDR) dan PT. Temas […]
Indonesia’s G20: How Can Major Economies Solve Global Supply Chain Disruption?
Penulis: Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman [1], Afif Narawangsa Luviyanto [2] The disruption of the global supply chain has been an important issue since the Covid-19 pandemic spread all over the world. The recent geopolitical issues between Russia and Ukraine have put yet more pressure on the production capacities which influences the supply of certain commodities. Both […]
Potensi Besar Asuransi dan Dana Pensiun Membiayai Net Zero Emission
Penulis: Reza Yamora Siregar [1], Rizky Rizaldi Ronaldo [2] Pemerintah mendorong pengembangan sektor keuangan non-bank, khususnya asuransi dan dana pensiun. Saat ini merupakan waktu yang tepat. Ini juga sebagai langkah strategis untuk menyiapkan kapasitas pembiayaan dalam memenuhi komitmen menghadapi perubahan iklim global (global climate change). Jika ditelaah lebih dalam, perkembangan sektor asuransi maupun dana pensiun dan keberhasilan mencapai target […]