Indonesia’s Yield Curve In 2024: Machine Learning & Dynamic Nelson Siegel (DNS) Model

The term structure of the Yield Curve is one of the most essential tools in financial economics. All agents, both government and private firms, set them as a benchmark for implementing their policy and business decision, respectively. The yield curve can be one of the reasons for prosperous firms/countries or their declines (as evident in […]

Can Inflation Be Better Measured With AI?

Tingginya tekanan inflasi yang terjadi di berbagai negara menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi seluruh pihak, baik regulator hingga pelaku bisnis. Fenomena ini dapat menurunkan daya beli hingga menekan performa perekonomian, termasuk sektor asuransi; Proyeksi inflasi dengan menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI) menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik. Angka tersebut dapat berperan sebagai Early Warning System (EWS) dalam mengambil keputusan […]